Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Three things I love

Damn, I was trying to upload pictures of the mould I was growing but I'm not quite on top of this whole technology thing. But I do love mould. Meanwhile, I also love tax refunds. I just got two grand back off the government, so I spent the day drooling in an art supply store and bought the most beautiful set of professional artists felt tip pens. They were mind-blowingly expensive though so I only got a range of very muted colours, which is why theres a bit of a recurring theme to some of the drawings on this page. Wow its amazing how quickly this blogging thing soothes you into thinking people actually care about your inane ramblings.

In other news, my housemate Sam and I are in the process of starting up a regular Friday night gig at the Deptford Arms, where he'll DJ and I'll get to have a go at VJing, woot! Since his music taste is eclectic, and mine is just bad, the night is going to be called "Dogs Breakfast". (Although actually I don't think Sam is too keen on this idea).

1 comment:

'' said...

1) mould.. awesome
2) pens... awesome
3) incessant ramblings... awesome
4) dogs breakfast... awesome

5) no laura in australia... not so awesome