This is my house-mate Sam (actually sorry thats a cupboard. Below is Sam) who has alerted me to the existence of 'Sleeveface', a website and encroaching world order devoted to taking stupid photographs of people with records over their faces. This is about the most exciting thing to have happened to me for days.
I've been working in the cupcake mine nine hours a day, and sampling my way through the entire range of English ciders at night. They have raspberry and lime cider here! Or blueberry cider! I'm never coming home. Also saw a really cool gig by this guy Jeffrey Lewis from New York who kept pausing in between songs to tell bizarre stories about the rise of communism, in rhyming verse, accompanied by a big book of hand drawn illustrations which he called his "films".
Today at work some bastard stole out tips right in front of us- he just wandered in off the street, pretended to be looking at something behind the counter, and then emptied the tip jar into his pocket! We get paid minimum wage and our tips amount to about 15 cents a day so he can't have ended up with much, though I'm outraged. A girl sitting out the front also had her bag snatched, so clearly Covent Garden is a dangerous place to be.
In other news I built a cupboard for my room from some stuff I found in a dumpster and lugged back all the way from Greenwich on the bus. My biceps are now huge but my cupboard is rad.
i am totally sending you stuff.
and visiting in november.
more soon xx
cupboard is 'RAD is short for radical'
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