I finally handed in my final disastrous round of essays, just as the Crayon Fields and the Motifs arrived to crash on my couch and play some awesome London shows. They're in Europe for six weeks, yay! Its so nice to see Melbourne people. I went to Berlin, Dresden and Hamburg with them, where we lounged around in cafes and ate nothing but bread, cheese, and beer for a week. The first show in Berlin was rad, it was at this place called Madame Claude's where all the furniture was glued upside down to the ceiling, just like in the Twits. I ran into my old housemate from Fitzroy, who now works there behind the bar, its was bizarre. The first night we were homeless, so Geoff and I stayed at a crazy little hostel on a boat moored in the river, and then for the rest of our time this lovely German woman called Ursula, who plays under the name 'Skirt', put us up in her beautiful apartment. Her kids were away for Easter so I got to stay in one of their beds, which was shaped like a castle.

In Dresden the bands played at an amazing old-fashioned GDR style venue, called Ost Pol, where the organizer cooked us a massive feast of vegan curry with grapes, which was a little odd. Then in Hamburg we went to a three day festival called the POP! Weekender, and got to stay at this crazy place called the Rock n' Roll Hotel, which had incredibly loud music til 4am every night and pictures of naked sailors all over the walls. They greeted us with whisky shots on our arrival, and all the bands from the festival were staying there so there were many hilarious drunken hallway and awkward shower moments. One of the bands we met in Dresden, a Swedish group called Liechenstein, were playing the festival as well, and we all went together on a tour of all the sites where the Beatles played there in the early 60's. Later on they put us all up in Gothenberg, and took us on a tour of the city-

After Hamburg I went home while others went to Glasgow, Nottingham and Cardiff. It took me 12 hours on the train to get back to London and I threw up the entire way from general exhaustion and alcohol poisonning. To make matters worse I was stuck in the middle of a German hens party, who were passing chunks of sausage and bottles of beer back and forth over the seats, and making me feel even worse.
This is Alexis writing set lists for the show in Jonkoping, Sweden-

And a crazy psychodelic American band called the Lexie Mountain Boys (actually girls) who we met in Gothenberg-

And this is a hideously obese cat belonging to one of the girls we stayed with; it was so fat it couldn't climb onto the couch by itself, and when it wanted to eat it just lay down on its belly in a massive tray of food and gorged itself for hours on end-

That cat is just WRONG. Where's the number for the RSPCA?
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