A couple of weeks ago I got recruited by this swanky hair salon across the road from my work to be a hair model for the London Hairdressing Expo, which was today. Little did I know it was going to involve eight hours of pre-dying over the past week, in which I went from brown to orange to red to purple, followed by a two hour horror fest today where I had to sit on a little stage, not moving, as my head was brutally attacked by a pretentious wanker in really tight jeans while a huge swarm of Italian hairdressers with hairy chests mobbed me and took photos and spun me round and round on my chair until I felt sick. It was utterly bizarre, and they caked me in so much makeup I looked like I was dead. My only escape was a tiny temporary cupboard where I managed to hide and scoff chips with a few franticaly smoking off-duty security guards. It was a total nightmare- five thousand shallow, narcissistic, bleating, over-peroxided, underfed, hairdressers crammed into one convention centre and fighting over fluro pink metallic scissors and platinum hair extensions for dogs. On the plus side; I got paid, I stole the t-shirt they dressed me in, i got mobbed by Spanish women who wanted to touch my hair, and I got a total thrill out of wearing a big security pass around my neck that said 'Model'. On the down side, I am now hideous. And when I wash all the product out, I'm going to look like Ronald McDonald.
I'd love you even if you looked like Ronald McDonald...
if fact, I'd love you especially.
wooooooooman. you look love-e-ly. i miss you. that is all.
you look like a kate bush album cover. (that is a compliment if you weren't sure).
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