Tuesday 4 November 2008

Three exciting things

1. I met Kenneth Anger! Actually, that's an exaggeration, I touched his shoe. But it was a beautiful moment. And then he spilled his beer on me, so I am never showering again. I went to a secret screening of his new films (blurgh), in the old railway tunnels under London Bridge- it was all pitch dark and scary and filled with candles and smoke machines. I didn't even know he was still making films- he's had so much plastic surgery he looked about forty.
2.I have family! I spent the weekend in Sheffield being spoilt rotten with big family dinners and living it up in a swanky apartment with all my cousins, am still recovering from the sheer quantity of food we managed to consume.
3. I'm going to set fire to things! Tomorrow is my first ever Guy Fawkes night, so my housemates and I are stocking up on mulled wine and fireworks (you can buy them at the local supermarket, ridiculous country).

So thats three exciting things in what is otherwise a desert of boredom..... This week is 'Reading Week' so I have no classes but masses of essays to write and I've turned into a revolting library slug. Joyous.

1 comment:

Maia said...

Oh my god. You touched the shoe of kenneth anger?!?!?! and he spilt beer on you?!?!?! this is all too much. I've just being reading (like last night) an interview with him by my new favourite obsession, Doug Aitken. I like Doug but a Kenneth meeting would trump Doug I'm afraid....

I remain forever your envious friend who misses and craves your salty cashew-ness