Celebrated my birthday by falling off a childrens climbing wall that your average three year-old could navigate with ease, eating my bodyweight in tofu and chocolate cake at a vegetarian restaurant on a bus, looking at dead badgers at the natural history museum, drinking amazing coffee, and wearing stupid hats and double denim. Also had a house party that degenerated into a standoff between my friends and my housemates friends over who got to control the stereo, watched six episodes of Twin Peaks in a row, ate too much cherry pie, danced to soul music wearing a furry cat outfit, and fell asleep on the sofa wrapped in a filthy leopard print rug. Don't listen to what they tell you kids, getting old is fun.
Went to Portsmouth for the day for the Plastique Fantastique performance at Aspex Gallery, which my friends Lawrence and Dav were performing in. They paraded along the wharf-front shopping mall wearing masks and chanting and performing strange rituals, thereby offending or confusing most of the shoppers. Dav's mask (above left) is The Venice Biennale, and Lawrence (right) modelled his on the yellow panels where you swipe your Oyster cards on the Tube. It feels amazing to be going to these performances and participating when two years ago I was obsessively reading about Plastique Fantastique on the internet but never dreamt I'd meet them.